How to Hide Your Friends on Facebook

Do you want to hide your list of friends from people in it? Since May 2010 Facebook offers again the possibility to stop showing them on your Profile or Timeline. This guide will show you how to hide them.

How to Hide Your Friends on Facebook

Once you have logged in to Facebook, on the top right hand corner of the page, click on your name or small profile picture.
How to Hide Your Friends on Facebook
Then, click on the Friends box that is among the boxes that are right under your name and big cover picture.

Once you have done that, click on the “Edit” button near the top right hand corner of the page, then click on the audience icon, and finally, in the appearing menu, on the “Only Me” option. The three things that you have to click are pointed in the next image:

How to Hide Your Friends on Facebook
This way people that see your Friends box on your Timeline will only see in it their mutual friends among you and them. Mutual friends with the viewer cannot be hidden.
Also keep in mind that, although your list of friends will not appear on your Timeline, there are still other ways in which people may see it. This is because in December 2009 Facebook declared that all users' lists of friends are public information.

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