Play game on Mobile to make money online with Peko App

Put in invite code Poke to get 5000 points: FgHbTvr7
Play game, if you are winner: get 100 to 2000 points.
When you have 100.000 point, you will be get 9.7$ by Paypal.

Play game on Mobile to make money online with Peko App invite code

What is peko?

Peko is an app available for download on iOS and android devices where you play little mini games with other users to earn points. Once you have earned 100,000 points, you can cash out for $10 via Paypal. There is a small Paypal fee when you cash out, but the payments are instant which is a huge plus for any earning money app.

Tips for earning more money on peko

While some people will try to cheat systems like peko, I work hard to come up with legitimate tips and tricks for earning more money without stooping to the level of cheating. Here are the tricks I have found.

You have a limited number of pekos, make sure you use them wisely. Only peko people who are online at the moment. Since pekos must be responded to within an hour or they are lost, knowing someone is online and will respond to your peko will keep you from losing out on your opportunity to earn.When a peko is responded to within the first ten minutes, you both earn a 25% bonus in points which can really add up. A good way to figure out if people are online is to go to the scramble function and watch for people throwing out chat messages.

Try to get other people to peko you. Since you have a limited number of pekos to give out, you get more chances to earn if more people will send you pekos. A good way to get people to peko you is to throw out your own messages in the scramble section. Make sure to be polite and say please and thank you. I've had many people send me a peko when I was thanking another user. Make sure you respond to these pekos quickly for that added 25% bonus in points.

Timing is everything! Don't just release the ball at any time when playing the peko mini game. As you play, watch the timing of when you release the ball and where it ends up. Since the gold slot offers more points than the other slots, you obviously want to work on your timing to try to get gold as much as possible.

The more time you put into it, the more you earn. Peko is not a way to sit back and earn passive income. The only way possible to earn is to actively be participating. Play it at odd times throughout the day and you might be surprised by how much you earn.

No guarantee

While these tips and tricks are what help me to earn more money on peko, I can't make any guarantees on how they will effect your earnings. However, it never hurts to try something new and see if it works out for you.

If you are interested in peko and have not tried it yet, you can find it through this link:

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