11 Types Of Friends You Will Have In Your Lifetime

You will have many types of friends in your lifetime. Each will make an impression and in some unique way move you along your path towards your future. Hundreds, if not thousands, of people will flow through your daily life, some quickly, like a gust of wind, and others hold on, like pillars of strength. Each one of these people will make an impression. Here are the 11 types of friends you will have in your lifetime, broken down in easy to remember titles.

11 Types Of Friends You Will Have In Your Lifetime

The Gopher

You may not admit it, but we all have them. These are the friends who do much more for us than we do for them. They are the “Go-Fers.” They get you coffee, they bring your breakfast, they watch your kids when you can’t get a baby-sitter. They show their friendship by doing things for you.

The Eclipse

This is a flash in the pan, beautiful, but ultimately gone before you know it. An eclipse happens only every few years and you’ll remember him or her forever because he or she was so perfect. But ultimately, like this friendship, he or she is gone too soon, leaving only a memory in the wake.

The Coin Flip

Sure they are flaky, but when you do hang out with them, they are a ton of fun. They will cancel on you. They will no-call, no-show. They will leave when a better offer comes around. But when they are around, life is more interesting.

The Shoulder

Sometimes you need a shoulder to cry on, and this friend is perfect. You can complain about your job, relationship, or just a bad day and they will listen. They give advice, pat you on the shoulder, and then tell you their troubles. This often isn’t your best friend, or really even a close friend (because those are often the people you are complaining about!), but they are a great sounding board.

The Skipper

The skipper is the friend who makes everything happen. They are the captain of the crew and make sure everyone gets to wherever they are going. In the olden days, before cell phones, these friends were the most important, as they had the phone numbers memorized and their house was usually the hub. While the cell phone has removed some of their responsibility, the skipper still makes the final decisions on when and where.

The Experiment

These are the friends who make no sense from the outside, and often seem pretty strange in hindsight. These are the “phase” friends. Whether it’s when you went Emo in high school or crazy in college, these friends were the one’s who spent time with you at your most rebellious moments.

The Flames

While similar to the eclipse, these stay around a little longer. Flames burn bright, but ultimately “flame out.” The majority of the exes go here, as well as those great friends from the past that ended with a blow-up. These are the friends who often shape you the most.

The Bestie

Some will go through many besties, others will keep one from diapers to diapers, but the bestie is there for the long run. These friends are the ones you remember when telling stories and who shaped your life into what it is today. They are the friends you’ll never forget.

The Lego

These are the friends of your youth, who you love dearly, but who you ultimately out-grow. You will always view them fondly and the conquests of your youth, just like the size of the Lego castle, grow with time and age.

The Fam

Sometimes your friends are given to you at birth. Siblings, cousins, family friends. These are the friends who will be with you no matter what. These are your friends whether you like it or not.

The One

There many be many “The Ones,” but these are the ying to your yang. The jelly to your peanut butter. The star to your sky. They make life worth living. The One is who you will spend the rest of your life with, your soul-mate, your true love.

Are there more types of friends that I’ve missed? Do you have friends that fit in each group? Tell us in the comment section below!

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