How To Convert Your Blog's Traffic Into Money With CPM Advertising

Do you ever imagine that you can make sufficient money from each and every page impressions that your blog receives? Do you ever assume that you can convert your Blog’s traffic into money without using significant publishers like Google AdSense, BuySellads or Infolinks? CPM (Cost Per Mile) or (Cost Per Thousand Impressions) is becoming the latest trend in Blogosphere, which allows the Publishers to earn quite convincingly only if they have massive organic Traffic. Most of the Top advertising providers pay per click, but in CPM you earn on the basis of your daily traffic. Different CPM advertiser’s pays different amount per thousand views, and it totally depends on your sites capabilities i.e. content, traffic and quality. Just like Paid Per Click advertising, CPM also depends on country based traffic. For example, traffic from US and Canada will generate highest amount while other would countries may provide decent result.

What is CPM Advertising?

CPM is an advertising term which means Cost Per Impressions it is one of the best marketing strategies in terms of web traffic. From a Publishers point of view how much a common blogger could earn from thousand page views that he receives from his Blog, some CPM ad network pays $3/1000 Impressions while other pays $4/1000.

How CPM Advertising Works:

With CPM Advertising Networks you can earn without even worrying about a single click, mostly visitors avoid advertisements this is the reason why publisher remains unable to utilize their earning opportunities. For instance, your blog has 700 unique visitors with 1 thousand page views then with CPM advertising networks you can earn 3 to 4 dollar without any stress whatsoever.

Best High Paying CPM Advertising Networks:
Following are the few reliable CPM advertising networks that would never let your blog down they are worth considering.

Tribal Fusion:
It is most reputable CPM advertising Company which only accepts those blog which has decent Traffic of about 500,000 monthly Impressions. If you got selected as a premium publisher then chances are extremely high, that they might give you extraordinary rates with payment method of your own choice.
  • Payment Method: PayPal
  • Minimum Payout: $50
  • CPM Rate: $10/per 1000 impressions
How To Convert Your Blog's Traffic Into Money With CPM Advertising

Value Click:
Another reliable CPM advertising program which provides quick payment, but you can also track your impressions from their publisher control panel. They don’t agree to take adult or pirated content, so you website should produce fresh and healthy posts, if you wish to attract potential advertisers. However, it doesn’t accept those websites which generate less than 3,000 page views per month.
  • Payment Method: PayPal
  • Minimum Payout: $50
  • CPM Rate: Varies on quality of your website.
How To Convert Your Blog's Traffic Into Money With CPM Advertising

To be honest, this provider is pretty average if we compare it with above CPM providers i.e. Value Click and Tribal Fusion. It does provide decent user-friendly experience with stunning CPM rate but lacks consistency. However, you should try it out may be it would work for you.
  • Payment Method: PayPal
  • Minimum Payout: $50
  • CPM Rate: Not available
How To Convert Your Blog's Traffic Into Money With CPM Advertising

Other CPM Networks For Small Publishers: It’s the best CPM Advertising website which is recommended by most of experts. You can make $10 per day, if your site is reputable enough while payment will be made through PayPal.

CPM advertising networks are getting more popular these days because getting a genuine AdSense account is getting extremely difficult. Therefore, people are using their Facebook pagesto attract audience to their blog and hence earning tons with CPM publishers. According to the sources advertising giants like AdSense, Infolinks and BuySellads are protesting against CPM but due the increase in its demand it is still available for Bloggers.

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